Supported Living Services

Let's create FULFILLING LIVES. Together

Hopewell provides specialized supported living to meet the diverse and evolving needs of individuals in their home. With supported living locations in the Guelph-Wellington area, each home includes an individualized staff complement that is tailored to the specific needs of the individuals living there.  Our staff team is comprised of dedicated, competent, and well-trained professionals, including both direct support professionals and in some cases, registered nursing staff where clinical support is required for persons with medically complex conditions. Indoor and outdoor spaces are designed to achieve a comfortable, home-like environment, while at the same time incorporating appropriate functionality, accessibility and safety features. Activities and supports in each supported living location are tailored to meet the interest and needs of each resident.

Access to supported living is coordinated through AccessInformation and Referral (AIR) Development Services (for children) or throughDevelopmental Services Ontario (DSO) (for adults).

Access Information and Referral Development Services

Phone: (519) 824-4015
 (519) 824-3598


Developmental Services Ontario

Toll-Free: 1-888-941-1121

Fax: (519)894-9563

© 2024 Hopewell Support Services